The device “ALCOTEST” is purposed for exhaled air tests. Testing the presence of alcohol in human breath using the device can be carried out at policy roadblocks and motor transport enterprises. Signaling the exceeding of the permissible concentration of alcohol in human breath is carried out by highlighting red LED (light-emitting diodes). The device can be supplied both from 220V AC power grid or aircraft storage battery of car (12V).
The device “ALKOTEST” can operate both in offices and passenger compartments or in outer air in the absence of directional solar radiation and atmospheric precipitates.
Alcohol detection principle - measurement of the change in resistance of the sensor semiconductor material while exposed to the sample air.
Consumption current, mA
| 300
Overall dimensions, mm
| 225x80x60
Weight, g
| 600
Measurement Range, ìã/ì³
| îò 50 äî 250
Range alcohol concentration, mg/m3
| 15
Warm-up time, min
| 5
Accuracy, %
| 25
Service conditions |
Temperature, °Ñ | 10 - 40
Atmospheric pressure, êPà | 84 - 106,7
Humidity (at 25 °Ñ),% | äî 98