GasTest, designed to be used in the field conditions, is a portable device featuring all the properties of the laboratory chromatograph. It is purposed for quick detection of gas leaks from underground pipelines without removing ground. The gas leak is identified by detection of the main components of the pipeline gas. The air to be analyzed is sampled via the electric aspirator.
Device features:
- original adsorption-semiconductor sensor;
- easily removable cylinder with the carrier gas;
- usage of air as the carrier gas;
- optional car power adapter;
- digital controls and software package for data processing.
Ranges of application:
- petrochemistry and oil refining;
- gas production and refining;
- oil and gas transportation;
Duet to self-sufficiency and unique operational properties of this device, along with the above mentioned applications, it can in any place where express diagnosis of air is required
The device passed the state sertification test in Ukrainian State Research and Production Center for Standardisation, Metrology and Certification (certificate №12-4749 from 22.01.2001)
| Adsorption-semiconductor
Threshold sensitivity
| 0,5 ppm per C3H8
Time of analysis
| 120 sec
Starting time of analysis
| 15 min
Power requirements
| 12 DC, 50VA
External control
| RC-232C interface
Operating temperature
| 0 - +40 °C
| < 10 Kg
| 324x218x211 mm